In the fall of 2005, the country, specifically the Gulf region, and many of our ARVC members, suffered a tragic natural disaster - Hurricane Katrina.

At that time, the ARVC Foundation created a Disaster Relief Fund to directly help parks in the stricken states affected by Hurricane Katrina. Since that time, the fund has grown to help any park who has suffered a natural disaster that disrupts their business whether a fire, flooding, landslide, ice storm, etc. These are not meant to replace insurance already in place at the parks, but offer assistance in filling an immediate gap.

Over the past several years many parks across the U.S. have been impacted by natural disasters including earthquakes, fires, tornados, hurricanes, and super storms. When parks are hit not only does the park itself experience hardship, but so do employees, guests, and communities. Join the ARVC Foundation in helping provide these parks with much-needed immediate financial support.

Donate Now

IF YOUR PARK HAS RECENTLY BEEN IMPACTED BY A NATURAL DISASTER, the ARVC Foundation Disaster Relief Fund may be able to help. Simply complete and submit the DISASTER RELIEF APPLICATION FORM.*

Parks may apply for any, or all, of the following:

  • Up to $1,000 Grant For Interim Relief For Personal Use
  • Up to $3,000 Grant for Interim Relief for Business Use
  • Up to $1,000 Grant For Providing Shelter, Food, Clothing, etc., to Victims of a Natural Disaster Including Park Staff

*  Parks must apply for Disaster Relief Funds within 60 days of experiencing a disaster.